Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mice n sets

Okay so, what have I been doing (besides shoveling)... I've been working on Mice, and sets! Well, just one big set, although I really would like to make several... I might have to move it all to the basement :(.....
here's some mice pics! I've even knit them tiny sweaters.

and here are pics of them on the paper set....

ahhh I especially like this one of the little mouse with her balloon and glue stick... hahaha

I keep thinking I want to expand this set thing...maybe make it more realistic, like a train set...but I don't know, I'm very conflicted about it. Any opinions?
In the next couple of Days I am "planning" on posting a how I make a mouse tutorial ( no, not like the felted bead one) but your know that goes!!!
time for .....FDCML!
Fancy:  hmmm this show, it's called Supernatural...ever hear of it?     
Detest: people texting in the car. FOCUS PEOPLE!
Creating: Mice, hamster and chipmunks
Mulling: train set, sets
Last movie I watched: Safety not guaranteed (recommended by Kirsten) pretty awesome!
 so with that, until the next post, Salt and burn people....i am ever....Closer to the Edge


  1. I love mice so im all for it. Those sets look like little villages and castles, I think you should do more videos like when we did the LARP ones but with these mice in their worlds.

  2. hahaha I watched a few of those the other day!!!
