Monday, December 30, 2013

Well Hello!!! Here I am again, I'm such a prolific blogger..chatty, chatty me….
so let’s see, it's been like A YEAR?? wow, is that possible? My last post was the dopplegangers..(which I did again this year!! hahaha...geesh time flys!!!
This was mine from this year.....

So, I actually opened up the ETSY shop last month and have several needle felted critters up and a few knitted/felted purses!   Woot!   It’s a bit confusing, with trying to get on search engines and stuff, but I am enjoying it!! My newest, and I mean new as in this week, I want to make small “sets” to photograph some of the critters in…yes, why just have nice clear white box photos when you can complicate things to the utmost by building small sets out of paper and cardboard!! I thought to use paper first, then thought maybe I would use actual things like rocks and sticks…but then I figured, eh, if I wanted to do that I could just take them into the forest and photograph them…no, TOO EASY! HA! I will make sets from paper! Here is the very first one…simple yes, but sort of Rudolph reminiscent…..


Next up will probably be a set for the little mice I have been working on…speaking of Mice I may have a little “how I made this mouse” post soon…
but now it’s
time for .....FDCML!
Fancy:      Supernatural... yes STILL....…(( forever))… show ever , go watch it
Detest: bad driving and rude grocery shoppers
Creating: aforementioned sets (and felted mice)
Mulling: hmmm since I don’t think I have made ANY of the mullings I’m leaving this blank
Last movie I watched: Kick Ass 2. Two Thumbs up!
 so with that, until the next post, i am ever....Closer to the Edge